About us
The youth of today have interests and challenges that are unique to their generation. Our signs are designed by high school students to meet the needs and interests of high school students. Our young influencers were trained in the social-emotional issues of the day, graphic design, and communication. They are an integral part of our team, which includes a veteran teacher and graphic designers, and utilize the consultation of mental health professionals.
A Summer of Growth: Teens Creating Content for Teens
To ensure relevance and impact, the interns—guided by our leadership training—researched issues that resonate with high school students, such as body image, peer pressure, bullying, and loneliness. They wrote motivational quotes, crafted entertaining trivia questions and designed attention grabbing templates with the guidance of an award-winning, retired graphic designer.
The result? Professionally designed digital signs that are uplifting, educational, and fun for students nationwide. The collaborative process also strengthened the interns’ writing, grammar, and design skills, equipping them with valuable tools for their futures.
Making a Lasting Impact
As a commitment to empowering future leaders, SCS will place 10% of its first-year profits into a seed fund to be divided among the interns. In addition, SCS is offering its SCEDS product free to schools through the end of January 2025, ensuring its positive impact is accessible to all.
"In my current school we use SCEDs and morning announcements done by students to create a youth-driven and unified school climate and culture." -Achebe
To hear about how Achebe uses SCEDs with current student support to promote unity and beonging listen here: (please start at 13 minutes.)
All content is curated by award-winning, veteran teacher, Furahi Achebe
PBS Digital Innovator 2017
Achebe was selected by PBS and CPTV to represent the state of Connecticut as a Digitial Innovator. This contest is to honor teachers who use gital media in creavtive ways.
National Geogpraphic/Lindblad Grosvenor Fellow 2022
In 2020 Achebe was selectected to be a Grosvenor Fellow. This fellowship included an expedition to Iceland with National Geopgraphic scientists and photographers to learn and to create new lesson plans for students.
New Haven Schools T.A.P.S award
Achebe was recognized as a candidate for the District's Teacher of the Year Contest in 2023. She received the T.A.P.S award for her innnovative work in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) and SEL (Social Emotional Learning.)